Thursday, August 7, 2008

Curse you, reality!

I think I'd have more fun if my life was a comic book. Bright colours, evil villains, super vixxens and such and such.

In my 'average guy' persona I'd be an AV technician slash lighting guy who gets bored at work of refreshing the same websites, and instead dreams (though that here is a strong word) to be in a comic book. My 'super power' alternative would be ManBoy, or Radioactive Dave, or The Incredible Dave.

But who is the alter-ego to whom?

Also, I could almost die at the end of every episode and you'd have to buy the next to find out how I got out of those recurring, deadly situations. Suckers.

Some of my better super powers would be;

Control of the weather, and also gravity
Pre-torn shorts (that never wear out), made of super lycra
The ability to talk to the animals, and think like the animals
Being able to beat anybody at rock, paper, scissors, using only my fists
A strong metabolism

...Le sigh

1 comment:

Scotty said...

I think all those things are just a radioactive exposure away Dave